All fitness classes at Inspired by Fitness are done in a dynamic group setting which dramatically increases your odds of success through group accountability and an addictive atmosphere of fun and community.
Come to class hydrated and motivated to work hard. Bring a bottle of water, indoor running shoes and a towel. Please arrive on time and let your instructor know if it’s your first time.
Come to class hydrated and motivated to work hard. Bring a bottle of water, indoor running shoes and a towel. Please arrive on time and let your instructor know if it’s your first time.
Boot Camp is a challenging, fun and supportive workout that will increase your metabolic rate and help burn fat. At this class, you can expect a total body workout consisting of strength, muscle endurance, speed, agility, power, balance, flexibility and cardiovascular conditioning. Each Boot Camp class is designed to be different and push your body to its limit. This class is suitable for all fitness levels and can be modified or amplified depending on your needs. Boot Camp Schedule: Please note this schedule is subject to change. To confirm class dates/times, click on the Monthly Class Schedules link above.
Butt & Gut is a muscle conditioning workout designed to strengthen and tone your core, glutes and thighs. Primed with resistance bands, kettlebells, dumbbells, stability balls and more, this class is sure to get your abdominal and glute muscles firmed up and well-toned. This class is suitable for all fitness levels as you can work at your own pace and to your own comfort level. Butt & Gut Schedule: Please note this schedule is subject to change. To confirm class dates/times, click on the Monthly Class Schedules link above.
Circuit is an efficient workout that incorporates strength, balance, coordination and cardiovascular conditioning. By moving quickly through various stations, you will fit a huge variety of exercises into your workout, meaning a full body challenge and none of the boredom that can come with repetitive exercises. This class is suitable for all fitness levels as you can work at your own pace and to your own comfort level. Circuit Schedule: Please note this schedule is subject to change. To confirm class dates/times, click on the Monthly Class Schedules link above.
Low Impact Body Blast will help you to stay healthy and independent through exercise while improving your cardiovascular activity, flexibility, range of motion, balance, coordination, muscle strength and endurance. Each fresh, new and fun workout is designed to increase strength, vitality and connection with others. These classes are geared toward the following participants: beginners to exercise; older adults; clients with multiple joint issues; and, clients that want to keep their exercise low impact. In this Circuit class, expect a modified Circuit workout that incorporates strength, balance, coordination and cardiovascular conditioning. Modifications and alternate exercises will be provided to safely accommodate your needs. Low Impact Body Blast - Circuit Schedule: Please note this schedule is subject to change. To confirm class dates/times, click on the Monthly Class Schedules link above.
Low Impact Body Blast will help you to stay healthy and independent through exercise while improving your cardiovascular activity, flexibility, range of motion, balance, coordination, muscle strength and endurance. Each fresh, new and fun workout is designed to increase strength, vitality and connection with others. These classes are geared toward the following participants: beginners to exercise; older adults; clients with multiple joint issues; and, clients that want to keep their exercise low impact. In this Zumba Light class, expect a modified Zumba workout that recreates the original moves you love at a lower intensity. The design of this class introduces easy-to-follow Zumba choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. Low Impact Body Blast - Zumba Light Schedule: Please note this schedule is subject to change. To confirm class dates/times, click on the Monthly Class Schedules link above.
Pilates is a system of exercise and movement designed to increase strength, flexibility and balance. You will integrate breath and movement with proper body mechanics to increase greater physical and mental awareness of how your body moves and feels. Pilates is a full-body workout focused on developing a strong core, which includes the abdominal muscles, back muscles, pelvic floor, glutes and hips - all of which improve posture, coordination and balance. With a focus on stabilizing muscles, your joints will become better supported, decreasing the chance of injury. This class is suitable for all fitness levels as you can work at your own pace and to your own comfort level. Pilates Schedule: Please note this schedule is subject to change. To confirm class dates/times, click on the Monthly Class Schedules link above.
POUND Unplugged balances focused, high-intensity training with restorative movements and rhythmic breathing. This rock-and-reset format merges the traditional POUND workout with concepts from yoga. You will use Ripstix, lightly weighted exercise drumsticks, to increase output and connect to the music before settling back into a peaceful, relaxed and empowered state. Quick, efficient and challenging, POUND Unplugged connects mind, body and sound to create an immersive experience unlike anything you've experienced in a fitness class. This class is suitable for all fitness levels as you can work at your own pace and to your own comfort level. POUND Unplugged Schedule: Please note this schedule is subject to change. To confirm class dates/times, click on the Monthly Class Schedules link above.
Spin is a heart-pounding indoor cycling experience set to exhilarating music. Intensity will vary throughout the class due to different body positions, pedal speed and resistance. You will burn tons of calories and work your legs, glutes and core while minimizing impact on your joints. This class is suitable for all fitness levels as you are in control of your resistance level on your bike and how hard you want to work. Spin Schedule: Please note this schedule is subject to change. To confirm class dates/times, click on the Monthly Class Schedules link above.
TripleFIT is the ultimate well-rounded workout blending cardiovascular conditioning with strength training and core exercises. This class is split into three 10-minute segments each focusing on a different discipline. The class begins with 10 minutes of cardio to get the blood flowing and the body pumping, progresses to 10 minutes of strength training to tone muscles and build strength, and concludes with 10 minutes of core work to tone abs and stretching to cool down and prevent injury. The result is a fun and lively full-body workout that never gets boring. This class is suitable for all fitness levels as you can work at your own pace and to your own comfort level. TripleFIT Schedule: Please note this schedule is subject to change. To confirm class dates/times, click on the Monthly Class Schedules link above.
Weights will help you tone and shape your entire body while burning fat and improving your overall health. You will use a variety of weight training equipment to build strength and add definition while increasing lean muscle mass and bone density. Our instructors will focus on perfect form to ensure maximum results. This class is suitable for all fitness levels and can be modified or amplified depending on your needs. Weights Schedule: Please note this schedule is subject to change. To confirm class dates/times, click on the Monthly Class Schedules link above.
Vinyasa Flow Yoga focuses on integrating breath and movement, awareness and alignment, strength and flexibility. By consciously linking the movement of the body to the movement of the breath, this class provides a dynamic, flowing practice which leads you through a balanced series of postures to strengthen and build flexibility, promoting physical stamina and a sense of deep inner calm. This class is suitable if you are already physically active, comfortable with basic yoga postures and appreciate a healthy sweat; however, props and modifications are offered for proper alignment and ease in the postures making this class an excellent option for those learning yoga for the first time as well. Yoga Schedule: Please note this schedule is subject to change. To confirm class dates/times, click on the Monthly Class Schedules link above.
Zumba takes the “work” out of workout by mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party. Featuring Latin and World rhythms and easy-to-follow moves, Zumba is an exercise class that keeps everyone motivated by creating a dance party atmosphere. You will receive a total body workout combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance, flexibility, boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class. This class is suitable for all fitness levels as you can dance to your own beat in a non-judgemental atmosphere. Zumba Schedule: Please note this schedule is subject to change. To confirm class dates/times, click on the Monthly Class Schedules link above.