- Commit to get fit, but don’t fret about a late start. Most people dive into their resolutions on the first day of the New Year; however, it may be beneficial to hold off until you’re truly ready to commit to a new fitness routine. After surviving the many stresses of the holidays, you may find you need a bit of time to re-group before diving into something new or different.
- Identify your “why”. When you have a purpose for following through with your resolution, it makes achieving the goal more meaningful. You might be driven by the vision of feeling strong and capable or by waking up with more energy every morning. Whatever your vision is, identify it so you’re moving toward something positive.
- Break down your resolution into short-term goals. Instead of focusing only on the final outcome, concentrate on the behaviours that will help you achieve it. Break down your resolution of “getting fit” into concrete habits that can be incorporated into your schedule on a consistent basis. For example, running for 20 minutes every other day or going to Boot Camp twice a week.
- Define your obstacles. Think about any obstacles that may come into play and brainstorm how you’ll overcome those challenges. Having a plan in place to overcome your obstacles will make it much easier for you to stay the course.
- Don’t give up. If you fall off the fitness wagon, don’t beat yourself up about it. Acknowledge the setback, re-evaluate your resolution and revise, if necessary. Sometimes the goals we set for ourselves a month ago aren’t realistic now, and that’s okay. Learning from these challenges can help guide you to even better success on your next attempt.
- Take care of yourself. It’s easier to handle the challenges involved in establishing a new fitness routine when you’re taking good care of yourself. Make sure to get plenty of sleep, maintain a healthy work/life balance and surround yourself with supportive people. When you make yourself a priority, it will be easier to maintain your fitness goals.
Above all else, remain positive! Celebrate your achievements (big or small), and be willing to forgive yourself if you slip up. Before you know it, you’ll find yourself exactly where you wanted to be!